On February 11,2020 our company participate on the bid for the Construction of the Royal Palms Drive Sidewalks projects and we glad to say we where the lowest responsive responsible bidder.
The project consists of the one construction of a 5 foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Royal Palm Drive between Buenaventura Boulevard and Simpson Road (Boggy Creek Road), for an approximate distance of 3,802 linear feet (0.72 miles). This project also includes aluminum pipe handrail, concrete curb, driveway reconstruction, detectable warning surfaces, sign & mailbox adjustments, tree/landscape removal, and signing & pavement markings. Drainage improvements include ditch modification, inlet relocation, pipe culverts and mitered end sections. Additionally, mobilization, maintenance of traffic (MOT), erosion control, clearing and grubbing, excavation, and embankment are also included as part of this project.
As of today April 13, 2020 we have commenced on this project and we are looking forward for great project.